Page Templates

Some pages allow you to directly customize their page template. These will be detailed here, along with links to their default values. All dynamic content that requires checks on the server or information from the server will be included in the variables.

A guide for the syntax can be found here.

Paste View

This template is shown when viewing any paste. It is responsible for showing the paste content and information about the paste. The default is available at

The following variables are available (including their required mustaches):

  • {{{ content }}} - rendered paste content (equivalent to {{{ paste.content_html }}})
  • {{{ edit_button }}} - button linking to the editor for this paste
  • {{{ config_button }}} - button linking to the settings editor for this paste
  • {{{ owner_button }}} - button linking to the paste's owner
  • {{ pub_date }} - numerical value representing the paste's publish date
  • {{ edit_date }} - numerical value representing the paste's edit date
  • {{ views }} - numerical value representing the amount of views the paste has
  • paste - see:

Profile View

This template is shown when viewing any user profile. It is responsible for showing information about the user. The default is available at

The following variables are available (including their required mustaches):

  • {{ username }} - user username
  • {{{ about }}} - user about/user about editor (when ?edit=true)
  • {{{ avatar }}} - user avatar image
  • {{{ username_display }}} - display including user username and display name
  • {{{ edit_about_button }}} - button linking to ?edit=true (with permissions considered)
  • {{{ followers_button }}} - user followers count
  • {{{ following_button }}} - user following count
  • {{{ user_actions }}} - user actions buttons (mail, follow/unfollow)
  • {{{ level_badge }}} - user level display (also shown in top left of page to prevent impersonation)
  • user - see:
  • metadata - see:
Pub: 1711417745303 Edit: 1715046734743 Owner: hkau Views: 830